Our team

Mat. Enrique Ramos Vásquez


Mathematician from the National University of Engineering (Lima, Peru). Completed the coursework of the master in Marine Sciences from the Cayetano Heredia Peruvian University (Lima, Peru). Experience in data analysis, developtment of mathematical and statistical models applied to exploited marine populations and ecological data. Developtment of tools in diverse programming languages, such as R, Latex and ADMB. His research areas are applied mathematics to population dynamics, ecological modeling, and marine resource management.

Dr. Giancarlo M. Correa

Research coordinator

Biologist with major in Fisheries Sciences and completed the coursework of the master in Applied Mathematics from the National University of San Marcos (Lima, Peru). Ph.D. in Ocean Ecology and Biogeochemistry with second specialization in Statistics from the Oregon State University (Oregon, USA). Experience in the assessment of small and large pelagic and demersal fish stocks, fish spatial ecology, and the study of fish early life stages using model-based approaches. Experience in organizing training courses in statistics, fish population dynamics, and R programming. Find out more information on my website.

M.Sc. Luis Wencheng Lau-Medrano


Bachelor in Sciences with major in Fisheries Sciences from the National University of San Marcos (Lima, Peru). Master in Marine Sciences from the Cayetano Heredia Peruvian University (Lima, Peru). Ph.D. student in Marine Ecology at the University of Montpellier (France). Experience in the developtment of algorithms in R to solve quantitative problems, analysis of environmental data, SIG analysis, and artificial neural networks applied to fishery data.

Blga. Paola Galloso


Biologist with major in Fisheries Sciences from the National University of San Marcos (Lima, Peru). Ph.D. student in Biology at the University of Montreal (Montreal, Canada). Experience in the analysis of environmental and biodiversity data using diverse statistical approaches, spatial ecology, and socioeconomic aspects of artisanal fisheries off Peru. Organizer of several courses in the field of community ecology using R.

Blgo. Pablo Marín

External collaborator

Biologist with major in Fisheries Sciences and completed the coursework of the master in Biostatistics from the National University of San Marcos (Lima, Peru). Experience in the assessment of small pelagics off Peru, CPUE standardization, use of neural networks to analyze movement data and the analysis of Vessel Monitoring System (VMS) data.

Blga. Sofía Rivadeneyra

External collaborator

Biologist from the Ricardo Palma University (Lima, Peru). Master student in Marine Biology at the University of North Carolina Wilmington (USA). Focused on the study of the impacts of environmental variability on sea lions populations in the northern Humboldt Current System. Experience in the assessment of sea lions populations, field data collection of marine top predators, bycatch analysis, and interactions of seabirds and marine mammals with fishing vessels. Passionate about the conservation of marine mammals, working with fishing communities, and teaching.

Dr. Luis E. Angeles Gonzalez

External collaborator

Marine biologist from the Autonomous University of Yucatan (Mexico). Master in Marine Ecology from the Ensenada Center for Scientific Research and Higher Education (Mexico). Ph.D. in Marine Sciences and Limnology from the Autonomous National University of Mexico (Mexico). Interested in the study of thermal regulation, applied physiology, niche modeling of marine organisms. Also interested in the interactions between climate and fisheries. Currently investigating the impacts of climate change on exploited marine species using species distribution models.

Dr. Josymar Torrejón-Magallanes

External collaborator

Biologist with major in Fisheries Sciences from the National University of San Marcos (Lima, Peru). Master in Marine Ecology from the Ensenada Center for Scientific Research and Higher Education (Mexico). Ph.D. in Fisheries and Aquaculture Bioeconomics from the Interdisciplinary Center for Marine Sciences (Mexico). Experience in fish population dynamics, assessment of explited marine resources, species distribution models, bioeconomics applied to fisheries, and software developtment in R. Passionate about teaching, and experience organizing diverse training courses in the field of quantitative ecology. Find out more information on my website.