Our services

Assessment of aquatic resources

We study the role of species dwelling the aquatic environment and their importance for the ecosystem and the fisheries. Our work focuses on the research of the biology of exploited marine species (biological parameters), interaction with other species in the ecosystem (e.g., predation and competence), and the analysis of the population status using stock assessment models to provide management advice.

Developtment of interactive Apps

We develop web applications using R and RShiny in marine sciences. These applications can be applied to user-friendly explorations of datasets and model outputs. These applications have shown to have a great befenit when conveying results to a broader audience.

Artisanal fisheries

Artisanal fisheries are particularly complex due to their high diversity of targeted species and vessel types. We work with artisanal fishing communities to implement sustainable fishing strategies of aquatic resources, taking into consideration the biology of the explited species, and socioeconomic factors of the fishing community. We use data-poor and moderate assessment methods to achieve our goals.

Fisheries monitoring

Sampling strategies to collect data from exploited marine species are crucial and may depend on the study goal. Our team work on implementing and testing sampling strategies throughout diverse methods, such as statistical models and simulation experiments.

Habitat studies

The spatial distribution of marine species is influenced principally by a range of environmental variables. Our team offers consulting in implementing species distribution models and niche models to investigate the influence of the environment and other factors on the distribution of marine species. These studies are important to implement management plans for conservation, especially under climate change.

Statistical analysis

Ecological data collected from surveys is influenced by diverse spatiotemporal factors that should be considered when using it in research. Our work has vast experience dealing with these factors when implementing statistical models to test research hypotheses. We can work with any type of datasets, and we use appropiate statistical approaches to particular study cases.

Scientific communication

The ellaboration of tools to convey scientific information normally consumes a large part of a researcher’s time. Our group works on the autimatization of scientific reports and documents using R, RMarkdown, and Quarto. We also work collaboratively on the ellaboration of scientific article for publishing in top academic journals.